Developing a Rhythm for Life - R in A-Z Challenge


Rhythm is how various elements flow, fluctuate, and work together in a regular recurring sequence. It refers to music,  the flow of life, and every living thing.

Recently I've felt the need to establish a rhythm of life that works for the season I'm in. Back when I worked a regular job, had kids at home and juggled many things, my rhythm was mostly set and my goal was to find meaningful quiet moments. This season of life asks for a different rhythm.

Now in my 60th year, I am quite aware that life is short and relationships matter most. Still, it's challenging to manage responsibilities, relationships, and work I feel called to in the context of everyday life.


To be honest, it's been a rough go this week... internally. Thoughts of where I've made poor choices, let people down, and fallen short have plagued me. My internal and external rhythm felt off. Forgiveness of myself and others lifted past grievances and I feel lighter. Now I can move forward into a new season, find a new and improved rhythm. Once again I am seeking to "learn the unforced rhythms of grace."

Jesus asks and invites:

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?
Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life.
I'll show you how to take a real rest.Walk with me - watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

~ Matthew 11:28-30
The Message Bible

Before, when working on a project, I would gut it out until it was done, no matter how late, and not listen to my body. Now, I am seeking a new way to work. To work from rest and rest from work. It would be much more sustainable, and maybe I wouldn't feel like giving up as often as I do. The daily walking, talked about in the "Nature" post,  has helped both my mind and body. Spending time alone with God is essential for me to live out a fulfilling rhythm. These are a few things I know are necessary for me to thrive, also the acceptance that I need more time alone and allow more time to get things done (without guilt.)


Questions to Consider

  • Is my current daily rhythm and habits of life a healthy and beneficial way to live, both for me and those around me?

  • What do I need to eliminate in order to thrive in this new upcoming season? A friend of mine gave me this question. It has been incredibly helpful in making choices and relieving guilt about saying "no."

  • How can I align my heart with the heart of God?

  • Who in my life shares the same rhythm of heart, a kindred spirit?

"Each heart has its own rhythm.To love is to find a similar rhythm in another heart."

Elmar Hussein

Every living thing has a vibration


"Everything in the universe has rhythm, everything dances."
~ Maya Angelou

"To live is to be musical,
starting with the blood dancing in your veins.
Everything living has rhythm.Do you feel your music?"
~ Michael Jackson

In reading about rhythm, I find the idea of attraction and vibration really interesting. When we say something or someone resonates (another R word) I wonder if we are actually in rhythm with it or them, playing music together, so to speak. This tends to support why different people like different styles of music. We also say, someone gives a certain kind of vibe. It's fascinating to me because we sense more than we see and it could be that we are connected or influenced by actual vibrations that attracts or repels. It makes aligning my heart with the rhythm of God's heart even more important.


Living lightly, more light-hearted and open-handed is the rhythm or music I want during this season. I want to align my heart with God's heart.

Lord God,
I desire to align my heart
with the rhythm of Your heart

Living Your Word 2019 Opportunity

Bernice Hopper, and Mary Brack, and I share insights through blog posts for keeping an Everyday Calendar Journal. We will be using the journal to record events, experiences and relationships; to explore our word’s meaning in visual and fun ways. If you would like to connect with others in creative way about organizing your word, your ideas, thoughts, prayers, events, or your projects all in one place, you are invited to join our Facebook group: Everyday Journals ~ Living Your Word of the Year.URL for Facebook group:

URLs for Instagram: #livingyourword2019




Valerie: this one :-)