Art Journaling in Abundance

June has been a big art journaling month for me with the launching of my first online class and two in person workshops in the studio. "Abundance" is the word and theme of the journal started as a demo from the weekend workshop last weekend. Here is the first spread, nearly done, two views showing both sides of the little gift page.

Valerie Sjodin© - Abundance Journal

Valerie Sjodin© - Abundance Journal

Here are group pics from the two workshops in June. The first one for a group of family and friends.

It was a special treat in the latest workshop to meet online friends in person! 

Fun times!


Feels like summer creative fun doesn't it? If you are near the Portland Oregon metro area and want to participate in a 1-day summer workshop, my last summer workshop for the year is a

Doodling and Lettering Workshop, Friday August 2, 2013

. Check out my website for details and registration: