Valerie Sjodin

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Pursuing Peace with the Power of the Pause

It has been said of the time we are in, and I agree, that we are all in the same storm, but not in the same boat. It is a storm none of us have faced before. Our polarization only adds to the problems, causing the divide to widen. Fear and faith struggle for control, and we choose. Our experiences are different and are expressed in different ways. The right answer may be different for different people in different places and at different times. What to do?

This quote from the book Daily Celtic Prayer describes my current desire:

"Leave me alone with God as much as may be.
As the tide draws the waters close in upon the shore,
make me an island, set apart, alone with God, holy to You.
Then with the turning of the tide, prepare me to
carry your Presence to the busy world beyond,
the world that rushes in on me, till the waters
come again and fold me back to You."

~ Aiden, Celtic Daily Prayer, p. 161

Art reflects life

I’ve decided to do that now, and apply my one Art rule to my life:

“Do what you’re sure of first”

What I am sure of is I need to press pause on some things in my life right now, and to focus my mind, time, and energy on what I know I am called to - with what feeds my soul, and inspires faith, not fear. I’m asking myself these questions?

What am I called to right now?

Who am I called to right now?

What feeds my soul so I can fulfill my calling?

Walking out Destiny

In order to walk out my destiny for this time, I must let go of some things, even some good things. The word I received while discerning what to do at this time is ‘pause.’ What that looks like for me is to make more ‘space’ in my life where I can have an internal place where I can receive ‘grace’ for the tasks ahead, and better love the people I live with.

I tend to put pressure on myself to perform and meet others’ expectations. Now I need to step back from any pressure for blogging, adding more work for myself, social media etc., at least for the remainder of this month, May 2020. I’m not even going to put an end date on it at a this point.

I am trusting to be led by my word of the year, which is actually a person: Spirit. If I feel led by the Spirit with peace, passion, and the power to do something, I will do it. If not, I won't. This is an opportunity for me to let go, grow, and follow where the Spirit leads.

"Holy Spirit, the life that gives life:You are the cause of all movement.
You are the breath of all creatures.You are the salve that purifies our souls.
You are the ointment that heals our wounds.
You are the fire that warms our hearts.
You are the light that guides our feet.
Let all the world praise you."

 ~ Hildegard of Bingen

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom).
And all of us, as with unveiled face,
continued to behold as in a mirror the glory of the Lord,
are constantly being transfigured into His very own image
in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another;
from the Lord the Spirit."

~ 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 AMPC

"When the Spirit of Truth comes,
he will guide you into all truth.
He will not speak on his own
but will tell you what he has heard.
He will tell you about the future."

~ John 16:13 NLT