Valerie Sjodin

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Drawing Daily Calendar Inspiration

As I was making my monthly calendar page, I was reminded how each day and how we live it is still important.

In our Living Your Word of the Year facebook group, Bernice put out a challenge that seems just right for this month. As usual, I'm adjusting it to my own liking, and am finding comfort in the simplicity and the daily exercise of looking back on the day, and responding with a simple symbol, drawing or words.

I've taken a little blog break the past few weeks, in order to reflect in quiet as I begin to enter a new decade with a banner birthday. I planned it months ago, but didn't realize how important and relevant it is right now. I feel like I need more time like that. Grace and space are two words that seem to be what so many of us need right now. So much to consider...This month is personally significant to me in many ways. This year my birthday falls on Mother's Day. Also, this weekend, 30 years ago, I went into labor on my 30th birthday to give birth to our youngest daughter, who is now turning 30. The best Mother's Day present one could ask for! A weekend worthy of celebrating indeed!If you've followed my blog for any length of time, you know I make a calendar page for each month. It is something I look forward to making, that is filled with a blank new slate. Usually it fills up quickly with events. This year, not so much. I am plenty busy with family living with us, and learning new technologies and exploring what this new normal might look like etc.

 I'm drawing a different Celtic knot for each of my calendar pages, and also drawing a gem of the birthstone for that month as a tab. This little consistencies and challenges come as a comfort this year with all that is going on.Even though it seems the world has gone mad at times, I am thankful for each day we have here together.Blessings to you, and to all the mothers, may you and your children be abundantly blessed! 

Happy Mother's Day