Valerie Sjodin

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The Wonder of a Child...

This week I am reminded to approach Christmas like a child. My young grandson came to visit for the day. He is filled with contagious wonder. Everything is new as he takes such pleasure in learning how things works. With the house newly decorated for Christmas, he went on a self-guided tour, pointing out each new thing. When he came to the lego nativity, I wondered if he was too young to play with the small pieces. No. He approached it with his usual gentle wonder, picking up the pieces one by one, looking at me, smiling.

He brought me such joy, just watching him take pleasure. I said to him, "I really love you!." He turned, smiled big and hugged my neck. We laugh.

It makes me think of the Christmas story. This year I read it in Luke like it was the first time, with new eyes. An outrageous story when you stop to think about it. I am filled with wonder, the faith of a child. I felt my Father God say, "I really love you!" And I felt like a child hugging my Daddy's neck. Joy!

This year we haven't gone all out with gifts, no big plans, but being with family and friends and taking time to be thankful to the One who gave us the reason for the season.

"Joy to the World the Lord is Come!

Let Earth receive her King!

Let every heart,

Prepare Him room.

And heaven and nature sing!"

May you be blessed with the joy of knowing you are loved this Christmas!