Valerie Sjodin

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Praying in Mystery and Search for Meaning

Sometimes I just don't know. That can apply to just about any area of life. I feel the uncertainty. I feel small, inadequate. I seek, but clear answers seem illusive. The more I know, the less I know. Paradox. Mystery. Search for meaning. 

The Circle Prayer is written in a spiral form here on the left page. 

At times like that I often turn to what Celtic Christianity calls Caim praying, a kind of prayer to pray when it's hard to focus  and praying is hard, when life, or death overwhelm. I usually start by envisioning God encircling me with His love and protection. 

"Circle (name), Lord.

Keep (comfort) near

and (discouragement) afar.

Keep (peace) within

and (turmoil) out. Amen."

- from

Celtic Daily Prayer

I was introduced to this kind of prayer in the book,

Celtic Daily Prayer

. It is a collection of Prayers and Readings from the Northumbria Community, and has been an encouraging reference for me.  It has such a simple format and is adaptable to anyone and any need, by filling in the parenthesis with appropriate words and names.

As I meditated and prayed, feeling more peaceful, I doodled a mandala beginning with tracing around the center circle of a CD. I used a CD for a pattern for the inside pages of this journal.

"The compassing of God be upon you,

the compassing of God, of the God of life.

The compassing of Christ be upon you,

the compassing of the Christ of love.

The compassing of the Spirit be upon you,

the compassing of the Spirit of grace.

The compassing of the Sacred Three be upon you,

the compassing of the Sacred Three protect you,

the compassing of the Sacred Three preserve you.

- from

Celtic Daily Prayer