Valerie Sjodin

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Fixing Lettering Mistakes (sigh)

After I posted my last post, my husband nicely pointed out a misspelling in it. While I was doing it, I felt very emotional, so I'm not surprised. It wasn't the only spelling error I made while lettering that foot, but it was one I didn't catch. It happens sometimes. But then what? Here's the image with the mistake. Can you find it?

Here's it is circled:

Sometimes I correct a spelling error using a permanent paint pen or white out pen. In this case I used gesso. 

Here below is a photo of it after one coat of gesso. I gave it a total of three coats, allowing it to dry in between coats:

For the text, I  used a Faber-Castell Pitt Artist pen, Sanguine, size "S". It was waterproof when I wrote directly on the paper, but on top of the gesso it smeared when I painted the light wash of Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold on top. So what I did was add more water with my brush and blot off the inky water. It came off pretty easily leaving a ghost image of the new letters. Then I painted the quinacridone gold wash. Allowed it to dry, and went over the ghost letters again with the pen. It's not perfect, a bit funky since I had a small horizontal space to add a letter, but goodness is complete. This is where mixing up upper and lower case letters come in handy :)

If you are interested in more lettering tips as well as inspiring step-by-step lessons, 

check out my new online class: 

Lettering & Doodling Hope!