Valerie Sjodin

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Moving Forward: Vacation Highlights

It's been eight years since Keith and I went for a vacation for more than four days, just the two of us, just for relaxation and fun. It was time. We went to Ashland, Oregon, had a wonderful and restful time at the beautiful Ashland Creek Inn. Then we headed a few hours south to sunny Redding California. Our main reason for going there was to visit Bethel Church. We were not disappointed! Joy! Then we headed up to a favorite spot in Cannon Beach Oregon. It was blustery outside and cozy inside. We had the best dinner at The Irish Table. I expected the Hobbits to come in at any moment. Magical and relaxing along with blustery walks on the beach. Getting away has been a great time to evaluate where we're at and where we're going. Our theme is moving forward. It really is a new season. Wow, I feel blessed and refreshed. 

Keith took this photo outside a shop in Ashland. Yes, No Fear! DREAM!

Moving Forward…It's a new season. Here is our travel journal in progress.

Noble Coffee: an art in itself that always says, "Sweet Vacation. Enjoy"

A trip to Redding would not be complete without a visit to In-N-Out Burger

Amazing Sundial Bridge at Turtle Bay in Redding California.

I am reminded to believe in what may seem impossible to some.

I Feel the creative energy and possibilities….

This photo also shows Keith's compositional trademark of having an architectural or focus element appear to be growing out of my head. 

So very windy at Cannon Beach Oregon that the wind held us up as we leaned into it. I'm glad we didn't have any small children or pets with us. They could've been whisked away.

We were the only people on the beach. High winds, pelting rain, laughing like teenagers….

This doesn't give the idea of how windy it was, but it does show Keith's trademark. I guess I didn't have enough on my head with a hat and two hoods, and needed to be topped off with Haystack Rock Helmet.

Rubber boots have a warm place in my heart and on my feet. I remember loving my red ones in first grade. I haven't had a fun pair since then, so I stepped out in hope when I was stumping around with my hospital shoe, and bought myself a pair of dotted boots to match my umbrella. It almost made me in the mood for rain, almost. Here they are, on their maiden voyage at my favorite place. I am so thankful!