Valerie Sjodin

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Beach Weekend Art Journal Part 2

After two days and two glorious walks on the beach I set up some shells and a few pebbles we found on the beach and drew them with pencil in my weekend journal. Then I put a coat of matte medium on the pages and painted the drawings with fluid acrylics. I felt like I was going a bit out on a limb mixing a realistic style with the cut painted paper border with embroidery thread and white gel pen. But because I used the same colors and finished it off with a bit of spattering to simulate sand, it works for me and reminds me of the great time we had.

The centerfold of the journal is the sun doodle. I began with a circle doodle and then began to add color with  painted orange tissue paper, and then paint. I wanted to give the feeling of summer fun and movement.

Below is another view of the journal standing up. I'm really glad I added the orange: the element of surprise and sunshine.