Valerie Sjodin

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What about Today?


If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.


- a Jewish proverb

Well yes, my experience supports that quote. Things often don't turn out as I plan, especially the timing. A year or so ago I knew I needed to change the way I did things. What worked for me in the past was not going to work in my new phase in life. I've always had a "to-do" list, ever since I was a teenager. But it was frustrating now. I asked God about it and the thought came that I should not have a "to-do" list anymore. That made me totally uncomfortable. How was I to get anything done? So for a few weeks I didn't make a to-do list. Then the idea came to ask God the question: "What are you giving me grace for today?" I began to ask that, and He answered. I went with my "gut" after I'd ask that question. I often write it down. So it is a list in a way, but with a different focus or empowerment. Sometimes I still get frustrated and it's harder to measure what gets done, but that's when I need to trust and let go again. So the above page is about that. It challenges me to live, not just get things done.