Valerie Sjodin

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Doodling & Painting Metamorphosis

Doodling Metamorphosis, Valerie Sjodin copyright 2012

The process of metamorphosis and the butterfly are very meaningful and symbolic to me. I have been using them for years to symbolize new beginnings, hope, fulfillment, purpose, freedom and beauty.

Goodnight Trees, Valerie Sjodin copyright 2012

So here are some of the last pages of my "Explore New Ideas Outside the Box…" Journal. I had a blast making it and felt a sense of freedom in artistic expression in the changing season. 

These techniques will be taught in the 

Summer Art Journaling 2-day Workshop-Playshop.

Please feel free to email me with any questions and check out my website for more info.

Workshops can make a great gift. I remember when I first really delved into art as an adult. I wanted so badly to improve my art skill. Money was really tight and we had small children so taking a class was a big deal. My incredibly supportive husband gave me art classes for holiday gifts for holidays, especially for my birthday and Mother's Day, since they always are close together. And he spent time with our kids while I was in class. I still appreciate those gifts that keep on giving. Thank you my Darling!