Valerie Sjodin

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What the Woman at the Well left

In March, during the time I was working on the woman at the well journal, my friend Mary George-Whittle asked Keith and I to come to church with her and Bill. She was giving the homily that day on the woman at the well. I love when things like that happen. God just keeps on giving and sharing to and through people. Mary pointed out something I hadn't thought of even though I had already made the image shown above. She told of the significance of the woman leaving her water jar at the well as she excitedly went to tell her neighbors about Jesus. Mary said, she left "behind that which has troubled her - her sinful life - she has discovered living water - she feels clean for she was forgiven of her sins -she truly experienced the well of God's grace and she goes and proclaims what she has heard and experienced. The Samaritan woman's spirit is enlightened, refreshed and illuminated by Jesus -"

   What am I leaving behind? Even though I have been a believer for many years, I've still needed to leave things I'd been hanging onto: my ideas of how my life should go, what I learned in art school about being a working artist, expectations of others, the remnants of fear... I am beginning to experience afresh Jesus, He is meeting me where I'm at, speaking to my heart, through people, through Scripture, through the new birth of springtime, and through the most loving amazing sacrifice of himself and the resurrection power of God. A humbling mystery. I feel more open than empty, wanting more of Him, His heart, His mind, His boldness.

  As I was reading this week I was struck by a Scripture that so aptly reflects what I am experiencing with God and His people. My dear artist friend Anneli Anderson

in her book of worship paintings quotes: 

Romans 8:15-17 in the Message

"This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. 

It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with childlike "What's next, Papa?" 

God's Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. 

We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. 

And we know we are going to get what's coming to us - an unbelievable inheritance! 

We go through exactly what Christ goes through. 

If we go through the hard times with him, 

then we're certainly going to go through the good times with him!"

I have no idea where this journey will lead, but I know I do not go alone, and I know my destination. 

May God bless you this day with his peace and a sense of his loving presence.